Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What to do if your child has a dental injury?

 Its a landmark for every child when his first tooth erupts. Its usually the lower central teeth(central incisors) to see the light of day followed by the upper centrals. Very frequently when kids fall or fight its these teeth that are most affected. The following situations may take place:
the tooth moves slightly
the tooth moves a lot
the tooth goes back inside the socket
the tooth flies out(avulsion)  
the tooth breaks(save the fragment in milk, water)                                        
                                                              In any of the above cases, rush to your dentist. In case of an avulsion, you could simply rinse and put the tooth back in the socket. Do not scrub or it will kill the vital tissue(periodontal ligament) around it. If unable to do so, save the tooth in the mouth(if child is old enough to not swallow it), milk, coconut water or if none available, plain water and go to a nearby dentist as soon as possible so he may plant it back in.

what is root canal treatment?

Sensitivity in tooth to hot and cold? Pain in jaw or tooth on lying down or bending forwards? Pain on biting food? Did your dentist just advise Root Canal Treatment?

Well, if you have been advised Root Canal Treatment, and you are wondering what it is exactly, this is a simple explanation for you.

Each tooth has a crown (top portion) and one or more roots (in the jaw bone), the roots have one or more root canals. Within the crown and root lie the nervous tissue in the pulp chamber and root canals respectively. 

When the tooth's nervous tissue gets irritated irreversibly, by decay, injury or other factors, the nerves or the tooth will need to be removed. 

In Root Canal Treatment, one or more sittings are required to clean the root canals and remove all nervous tissue, shape, disinfect and fill the root canals with inert material.

After Root Canal Treatment a crown will be advised to strengthen the tooth crown.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

10 Reasons Indian Students like modern braces:

1. They are born to chat
2. They laugh their heart out and show their teeth off
3. They love posting selfies on Facebook
4. They are self-motivated
5. They are not shy of wires and brackets anymore
6. They are aware and well-informed about transparent, hidden and no braces-braces
7. They are perfection-seekers
8. They enjoy flaunting their smiles
9. They want quick results
10. They love to surprise (amazing changes with invisible braces at work!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Don't judge a book by its cover

Yes, I know I've been super slow. With the editing and the doodling, I haven't got the time to work on the cover. And in order for the book to be released that's an essential. My sister being an Art Director and her friends in the same field, I have been offered help :D. So, hopefully, the book won't be delayed much...
Any ideas for the cover, guys?
Feel free to post. I'd love to get some help!

Monday, September 23, 2013

What's there in a name

Well I'm almost done writing the book,  working on the editing and my book still doesn't have a name! I brainstorm alone,  dearly missing my sisters, as they are off to college and work respectively. I want to keep it simple, at the same time,  explaining what the book has in store. It's simplifying, demystifying the Dental sciences. It is about loads of techniques and tricks to remember just about anything. All those arteries, syndromes,  authors,  theories,  drug dosages,  important years,  just name it. Yes please,  name it,  name my book,  lol! 
Here's a list of the names that popped up in my mind:

Dental treats 
Dental trick or treat 
Dentistry simplified
Dentistry made easy
Dentistry tricks treats and techniques
Short guide to remembering Dental Sciences
Day-dream your way to dental exams
Dentistry for the procrastinator
Dentistry for day-dreamers
Dental sciences for the day dreamer

Tell me what you think,  you could even suggest a few! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Behind the pages of my book

When I’d first considered sharing the way I passed dental college with my peers and making studies easy and fun for them too, little did I know what I was getting into. Writing a book is not just jotting down the idea or the views, but the editing, the cover, the illustrations, the printing and the marketing. Man! Nobody taught me that in college!
So I’m almost done with the writing and start working on the book name when I realize I still haven’t found an illustrator willing to understand what I exactly want for my book. Finally I do meet a good illustrator who tells me my rough explanatory sketches are good to go and I should trust my doodles! Me? The illustrator for my book? Ummm… scary, but no harm trying.
So I’ve been doodling and drawing and I’m going to show you all, the behind-the-book drawings. 

Yes, they are funny cartoons but what are they doing in a dental book? Well, you are about to find out once you get a copy. Most active 50 followers will be posted free copies!
Love my doodles? Hate them? Do write in the comments below!

Thank you, my lovely readers!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Coming up mnemonics and more.....

I love mnemonics of all kinds, because they are what have got a procrastinator like me through dental school, and that too with great grades. My book on the same is going to be launched soon. Look out for some pre-launch sneak peaks, and mnemonics.